#7 Baltimore & Ohio Trolley in Washington, DC from New York Avenue Station
A Beautiful Shot, San Francisco, CA
Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, CA
Armored Automobile juxtaposed with Trolley Car & Horse Team on a City Street in Turkey
Boston in everyday twilight
Boys buy peanuts from Street Vendor of 42nd street. NYC
Chief of Police Copelan Mounted on Horseback Protects Trolleys in Cincinnati Strike
Chinatown, San Francisco, CA
City Bay View, San Francisco, CA
City Hall, San Francisco, CA
Cliff Dwellers
Conservatory, San Francisco, CA
Double Decker London Tram Car
East Side of Montgomery St, San Francisco, CA
End of the Tram, Oak Park, Illinois
Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA
Flame Fighter - Scalding Seas
Fleishhacker Pool, San Francisco, CA
Flipping Cars. Location: Boston, Massachusetts.
Hello, Philadelphia!