A Chippewah Widow
Asseola (A Seminole Leader)
Caa-Tou-See (An Ojibrey)
Chippeway Mother and Child
Chon-Mon-I-Case (An Otto Half Chief)
Esh-Ta-Hum-Leah (A Sioux Chief)
Keokuk (Chief of the Sacs & Foxes)
Ki-On-Twog-Ky (or Cornplant)
Kish-Kal-Wa (A Shawanoe Chief)
Mamluk Resting
Meta-Koosega (Chippewah Warrior)
Mo-Hon-Go (Osage Woman)
Moa-Na-Hon-Ga (An Ioway Chief)
Naw-Kaw (A Winnebago Chief)
Ne Sou a Quoit (A Fox Chief)
Okee-Maakee-Quid (A Chippewah Chief)
Payta-Kootha (A Shawanoe Warrior)
Push-Ma-Ta-Ha (Chactan Warrior)