America's answer. The second official United States war picture
Capitol Brand Pure Apple Cider Vinegar
City of Saint Louis welcomes the National Democratic Convention, 1888
Credibility Gap
Custom House, Dublin, 1792
Democratic nominations For President, Grover Cleveland of New York. For Vice Pres't, Allen G. Thurman of Ohio.
Democratic platform and presidential nominees
For President John Bell. For vice president Edward Everett
For President, Abraham Lincoln. For vice president, Hannibal Hamlin
For President, Theodore Roosevelt, For Vice President, Charles W. Fairbanks
George Washington Resigning his Commission
Glimpses of Washington D.C.
Grand Canyon National Park, a free government service
Greeley and Brown
Human Rights
Imperial William (McKinley) the King of the Trusts
In Memoriam. "God's will, not ours be done"
James A. Garfield Republican candidate for president - Chester A. Arthur Republican candidate for vice president
Kansas! For James G Blaine.
National Democratic chart, 1876--For president, Samuel J. Tilden, for vice president, Thomas A. Hendricks