#7 Baltimore & Ohio Trolley in Washington, DC from New York Avenue Station
9XXXX Steam Train Broom Label
A Northern Pacific Passenger Excursion
A Train Carries a man 10 stories aloft on what looks like a Chimney
Across the Continent: 'Westward the Course of Empire' Takes Its Way"
Armored Automobile juxtaposed with Trolley Car & Horse Team on a City Street in Turkey
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Stock Certificate
Automatic Coal in Six Minutes - "The Flying Scotsman"
B & O Railroad #1
Batavian Railroad Passenger Train
Berlin by Night
Big jobs usually go to…
Birds-eye view of locomotive on a Horse Shoe Curve
Birthday Greetings
Boston in everyday twilight
Boston Police watch over the Liberty Bell that has arrived by Train
Bridge of Trees