A Moral Entertainment: Early American Theater
A young man's opportunity for work, play, study & health
A Young Man's Opportunity for Work, Play, Study, and Health
Enjoy Ice or Roller Skating
Faustus Presented by WPA Federal Theater Division
Federal Art Project: Exhibition of Graphic Arts
Federal Theatre Presents Pinocchio at the Copley Theatre
Flight at the Heckscher Theatre
Foreign Trade Zone No. 1: NY City Department of Docks
Frontiers of American Art: National Exhibition
Grand Canyon National Park, a free government service
Indian Art of the United States at the Museum of Modern Art
Indian art of the United States Prehistoric Art Living Traditions
Jobs for Girls and Women
Let Them Grow
Marionette Theater Presents RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots)
Oils and Watercolors Exhibition: Federal Art Gallery
On the Rocks by Bernard Shaw
Only God Can Make a Tree