16 to 1. ... the speech that won the nomination ... at the National Democtratic Convention at Chicago, 1896
A Barber Cure
An Embarrassing predicament
An Unselfish love
Bungalow Troubles
Bushmen and sawmill hands Wanted
Cachou Lajaunie
Cafes Chocolats L. Voisin
Carter the Great: Secrets of the Sphinx
City of Saint Louis welcomes the National Democratic Convention, 1888
Construction men, bushmen, sawmill men & chauffeurs Wanted
Cosmydor Savon
Democratic nominations For President, Grover Cleveland of New York. For Vice Pres't, Allen G. Thurman of Ohio.
Democratic platform and presidential nominees
Depot de Chocolat Masson: Chocolat Mexicain
Detail from Maude Adams as Joan of Arc
Edison's greatest marvel--The Vitascope