Jap Train Station
Japanese modes of Transportation at Turn of Century
Leaving San Francisco
Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, CA
Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA
Montgomery St., San Francisco, CA
Musicians Union Truck parked by Hot Dog Vendor Cart sports large banner supporting the Transit Strike
New York Car Strike has women transported to work in an open sided male driven vehicle
New York Trolley Car makes its way during the Blizzard of 1922
New Yorker appreciates the new Trolleys which are so low to the street that it takes but one step to access.
North Side of Montgomery St., San Francisco, CA
Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco, CA #1
Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco, CA #2
Old Chinatown, San Francisco, CA
Open Air Trolley of Brooklyn Rapid Transit is passenger packed
Oriental Tea Garden, San Francisco, CA
Palace Of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
Portsmouth Square, San Francisco, CA
Stockton St., San Francisco, CA
The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA