A Craving for Cherries
After the Audience
Animals at the Wall
Benneweis Circus
Bring 'em Back Alive
Christy Bros. 5 Ring Wild Animal Shows
Dangerous Leap
Deer and Tiger Safety Matches
For Everyone's bumping, pushing, and brawling
Fox Moth, Clouded Buff, Oak eggar, Oak Hawkmoth, Four-spotted Footman, Goat Moth, Vapourer Moth, Garden Tiger, Woolly Bear, Eyed Hawkmoth, Underwing
Golden Blood
Green Oak Moth, Burnet Moth, Puss Moth, Tiger Moth, Ladybird beetle
Hellesens Torelment
Horace Goldin, Magician: The Tiger God
In a Tropical Forest; Tiger Attacks a Buffalo
In my studio
In Spite of that they were all so Ill
Indian Cat
Nouma Hawa
Pouncing Tiger