Tenant Farmer Moves to California
The Farm Hand
The Vegetable Garden
This is What God Gives Us
Tomate (Tomatoes)
Tomate Amieux-Freres
Tubers II
Tubers III
Various Vegetables
Vegetable Colors
Vegetable Poisons. Common hemlock, Henbane, Strong Scented Lettuce, Meadow Saffron
Vegetable Poisons. Wolf's Bane or Monk's Hood, Deadly and Woody Nightshade, Thorn or Jimson Apple
Vegetables: Califlower, gourds, potato, onion,
Vegetables: Melon, Purple carrot, cherry tomatoes, onions, turnip, leek
Vegetables; Beet, Hot peppers, Celery, Tomatoes, and Peas in Pods
Vegetables; Bell peppers, turnips, potato, bok choy & tubers
Vegetables; brussel sprouts, yam, potato, sweet, cantelope, melon, mushroom
Vegetables; cabbage, celery, yam, potato, onion, tomato, horse raddish
Vegetables; Cabbage, peas, strawberries, and carrot