Toddler in front of Shop sign sells flowers to a kimono wearing young lady
Tokuye Filature
Tokyo Cable Cars
Tokyo Fireman
Tom Kobayashi, Landscape
Tractor repair: Driver Benji Iguchi, Mechanic Henry Hanawa,
Tractor repair: Driver Benji Iguchi, Mechanic Henry Hanawa, Manzanar Relocation Center, California
Traditional Dress of Diverse Japanese Castes
Traditional Japanese Women
Transpiration of Gods at the Japanese Port of Yokohama
Tsubaki (Camellia Japonica) in a boat shaped Vase
Tsubaki (Camellia Japonica) in a Tsubo
Tsukada Island in Musashi Province
Tsuru-umemodoki & Rindo (Staff Vine and Gentian) in a Bamboo Vase
Tsuwa-buki (Ligularia Tussilagineana) in a wide mouth Tsubo