Fair Nell
Family Reading the Newspaper
Famous places in Tokyo: real view of Takanawa (To?kyo? meisho? Takanawa no shinkei) #3
Fancy Riding Demonstration
Fiesta Major
Fine Double Barouche Harness
Finest in the World
Fleeing the Sioux
Flirt Magazine; Fallin' on the cactus
Flirt Magazine;" Roping the Horse"
Flora Temple and her colt
Flying Dutchman
Foreign business district in Yokohama (Yokohama kaigan kakkoku sho?kan zu) #1
Foreign business district in Yokohama (Yokohama kaigan kakkoku sho?kan zu) #3
French men taking horse ride on Sunday in Yokohama (Yokohama kyu?jitsu Furansujin uma yu?ko?)
From Broadway to Cheyenne
Frontispice, Armes de Fribourg