Dentrifices du Docteur Pierre
Dills & Associate Dentist
Distinctive Designs for Tooth Powders
Eau de Botot
Eau de Suez Vaccine de la Bouche
Egyptian Dentist
Eliser del Prete
Excising Forceps
Hoyt's German Cologne & Rubifoam
James Beall Morrison's Tilting Dental Chair
Japanese Woman Cleaning her Teeth
Kazimi Dental Products: Toothpaste, Powder, and Mouthwash
Medieval Dental Practitioner
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup
New Portable Head-Rest
Pate Dentrifice du Docteur Pierre
Persian Dentist: Illustration from the Koran
Pulling Teeth
Rolling Mills