Crested Sheldrake Ducks
Downy Young Ducks
Egyptian and Orinoco Goose
Eider and King Eider Ducks
European and American Teal Duck
Falcated Teal Ducks
Florida Dusty and Mexican Ducks
Four Downy Young Ducks
Four Duck Varieties
Four Types of Teal Ducks
Gadwall and Coues's Gadwall Ducks
Garlepp's, Jame's and Turner's Torrent Ducks
Golden-Eye and Barrow's Golden-Eye Ducks
Gray Teal and Chestnut-Breasted Teal
Gray, or Sea Eagle
Green and Indian Pygmy Goose
Harlequin Duck
Hartlaus's Teal
Hawaiian Duck and Oustalet's Gray Duck